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The T-1 Typhoon Takes Off

As the title states, another Agents vehicle is ready for missions: The T-1 Typhoon. This helicopter is a custom design that was inspired by the LEGO set of the same name from the LEGO Dino Attack theme.

Pilot: Agents

Performance: 5,576 HP

Top Speed: Mach 10

Extra Features: Nose-Mounted Tracking Sensor, Rear-Installed Twin Browning M2 Aircraft Machine Gun Turrets, Survival Equipment Storage Compartments, Side-Mounted Grappling Hook Winch, Front Underbelly-Mounted GAU-8/A Avenger Minigun Turret, Nose-Mounted Coaxial Machine Gun Turret, 3-Set Homing Missile Launchers, Side-Mounted 6-Set Cylindrical Laser Rocket Launchers, Retractable Landing Gear, GAU-19 Minigun/GE-M134 Minigun Turret Mount Sockets, Computer Deck.

Type: Custom (AH-64 Apache/HH-60 Pave Hawk Hybrid)

Picture of the T-1 Typhoon from LEGO Dino Attack for clarity.

There was no Monster Monday this week, so I don't have anything monstrous to show.

For Figure Tuesday, I drew myself coming up onto land after scuba diving in the water and securing the shore after taking off my mask and flippers.

Then for 3D Art Jam Thursday, I started modeling another plane for Avo's game: The AV-8B Harrier II. He said this is a good start, but could use some revision. So I'll keep that in mind.

That's all I have to share for this week!

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